Search Results for: cookies

Enjoy a Girls Day Out in Historic Downtown Frankfort, IL

Enjoy a Girls Day Out in Historic Downtown Frankfort, IL

Quaint, historic and close to home, Frankfort, IL, located in the Chicago Southland, is a wonderful place to spend the day with your girlfriends. Wander around the streets where you’ll find eclectic shopping, dining, sweet treats, and if you time it right a fun festival happening in the city park. The first stop should be…

Bird Feeder DIY Craft

Bird Feeder DIY Craft

The calendar may say its the middle of April, but as I type this snow is falling from the sky. I’m not sure why winter is insisting on hanging on so long this year. We are all ready for blue skies and warmer weather. To encourage more birds to visit our yard this spring Alan and…

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This blog is edited by Deb Thompson. For questions about this blog, please contact Deb at deb {at} This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation. This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The owner of…