Secret Corinth: Hidden Gems in a Small Mississippi Town
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After a brief conversation with a PR company I found myself in a small northern Mississippi town, in the middle of November.
Arriving at the Memphis airport I thought I left the cold back in Michigan.To my chagrin, it followed me south and I was greeted by 30-degree temps.
Not to be deterred I pulled my gloves from my backpack, joined my group and headed to the rental car.
90 minutes later we arrive in Corinth and I find myself surprised and thrilled by the secrets I uncover during my visit.
These are the hidden gems you should search out during your visit to Corinth.
Roy the Rooster fed my need for finding a roadside attraction. Roy is a story all in itself. Roy guards this little neighborhood that is a bit off the beaten path and well worth a visit. I’ll be sharing more about Roy soon.
Regardless if you love Coca-Cola or not a stop at this shiny new Coca-Cola Museum, located next to the old bottling plant, is a must. As a nice bonus, the museum is FREE.
Simply ring the bell and the door will be unlocked for you to wander around at your leisure.
When you pull into the parking lot of Lake Hill Motors & Marine that last thing you’d think you’d find is a motorcycle museum. Walk in the front doors and head to the back right of the showroom.
There you’ll find over 100 classic motorcycles that actually work! If one of the owners are available be sure to ask them for the stories behind some of the bikes.
Keep your eyes open around town and you’ll be sure to see a number of murals. My fave? The Coca-Cola bottle pouring soda on the side of the Pizza Grocery building. Staged just right you can have the coke pour right into your mouth.
You can’t have a town with Cornith’s history without having some ghosts lingering around. Be sure to stop in at the Crossroads Museum, reportedly haunted by numerous spirits, to have a look around.
While you’re there be sure to learn about why it’s called a Crossroads Museum. Interested? You can read about my experience here.

Don’t miss Abe’s Grill, a kitschy restaurant right off the highway. It is a must! It’s the oldest diner on HWY 72 and serves breakfast and lunch. If they’re closed be sure to stop just for the photo opportunity of the outside.
The Corinth Contraband Camp commemorates those who began their journey to freedom here in the early 1860s.
Over a 100 years later this land now hosts a quarter-mile trail which exhibits six life-size bronze sculptures depicting the men, women, and children who lived at the camp.