3 Ingredient Lemon Honey Ice Cream
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This recipe is brought to you by the wonderful people and farmers at the United Dairy Industry of Michigan. It is hot and humid in northern Michigan right now. The humidity, generally, doesn’t last long, but when it’s here we just melt.
Forget dinner, we skip and go right to something that is cool and refreshing. Most times that is a cool and refreshing homemade ice cream. I found a lemon ice cream that is prefect for these humid days of summer.
I changed up the recipe a bit and made this the other day using honey as the sweetener. In all honesty I wasn’t sure how this would turn out, but the Lemon Honey Ice Cream was delicious!
I’m lucky enough to live in a state that has a great agriculture community so fresh milk, milk products and fresh produce are never far away.
The United Dairy Industry of Michigan (UDIM) does a great job of sharing recipe ideas and information about the benefits of dairy in your diet.
My favorite thing about this recipe is that it only takes 3 ingredients. Yep, you read that right. Three. Ingredients. Ahhhh, yes. Life is good and I can almost guarantee that you’ll have most, if not all, of the ingredients on hand.
So here is the big ingredient list: Honey (or sugar) Fresh Lemon Whole milk That’s it.
An ice cream maker is needed for this recipe. I didn’t think I would use an ice cream maker much, but I’m finding it a lot of fun to try different recipes. Plus, it’s incredibly easy to use.
I have a Cuisnart Ice Cream maker (compliments of the United Dairy Industry of Michigan–big THANKS to them) and it’s easy to use, easy to clean and works like a charm.
1 1/2 cups whole milk
1/3 cup honey
1 lemon
Pour 1/2 cup of whole milk into a small saucepan. Add honey. Bring to a simmer and heat until honey has dissolved. Zest the lemon and add to the milk mixture.
Once honey has dissolved remove from heat. Add remaining cup of milk.
Pour milk mixture into a bowl, place in refrigerator and chill completely.
Once mixture is cool add the juice from the lemon (approximately 1 1/2 ounces). Whisk briskly while adding juice to keep milk from curdling.
Add to the ice cream maker and process according to the manufacturer’s directions.
Remove from ice cream maker, scrape into freezer safe bowl and freeze for at least 2 hours.
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